Global Warming – Absurdity — NYTimes — UN — Socialist

     After 17 years with no evidence of global warming the UN and the NY Times are telling us that global warming will cause human misery beyond anything ever seen.  It’s not like the trend has continued and the evidence is mounting up that global warming is posing an ever increasing threat.  No, just the opposite.   In the US we even experienced one of the harshest Winters in decades.  Even James Lovelock one of the original proponents of global warming has said it is not cause for panic.

      Why do the NY Times and the UN continue to declare global warming, earth’s number one threat?  (According to them, we are all going to die.)   Below are some thoughts on why this theory is being propounded.  Global warming …….

1.)  Provides government an excuse to tax industry and individuals for their use of energy.

2.)  Provides government an excuse with which to regulate or eliminate businesses they don’t like. (Coal)

3.)  Provides government an excuse to limit exploration of natural gas and oil. (That way we can give Ukraine to Putin)

4.)  Provides government an excuse to boost the economies of Mideast Arab countries. (Its happening.)

5.)  Provides government an excuse to monitor individual behavior. (tax mileage for example.)

6.)  Provides government with a ready made crisis to claim control of private functions. 

7.)  Lets government direct economic development funds to their friends.  (Green energy companies, GE)

8.)  Provides government an excuse to reduce the standard of living of the more prosperous among us.

9.)  Provides government an excuse to eliminate capitalism

10.)  Provides government with every increasing power.

Global warming has not occurred in the last 17 years.  Much of the data that went into the original theory was proven to have been doctored in order to achieve its final conclusions.  Should it be discredited, the government programs, FDA regulations, the controlling mechanisms that government has put in place in the name of protecting the environment are also discredited.  It becomes clear what those things are, an unlawful seizure of power by the government.  The US government is knee deep in this as are the European governments.  It is a shame that much of our media, the NY Times among them continue to reinforce this naked power grab.



Modern Day Slavery

The idea that people today are enslaved is appalling to most of those living in the modern western world.  It is true that slavery exist in its worst form as the bondage of children sold for sex or as enforced marriage by Muslims that claim to own their women.  That is the type of slavery that we, the enlightened, concerned westerners can say, “That is barbaric.”  Whether this horror occurs today or whether it occurred in its brutal past as slaves were brought to the United States, the concept of slavery has a number of underlying principles. As we review those principles keep in mind that these principles can apply to other processes, not just slavery.

1.)  Slavery is about controlling the enslaved at all times.

2.)  Slavery seeks to use the control of the enslaved to produce a product without paying a wage.

3.)  In order for the enslaved to produce the slaver must provide a base level of sustenance for the enslaved.

4.) The slaver will seek to keep the slave as uninformed as possible to minimize the chance that the slave will pursue any avenue other than dependence on the slaver.

5.)  When the enslaved no longer produces then that sustenance is cut off.

6.)  Before the enslaved ceases to produce if the threat of removing sustenance is not sufficient motivation other methods of motivation may be employed, such as instilling fear.

6.)  If the slave ever becomes a burden to the slaver the slave will be discarded.  (Killed, Banished, or Abandoned)

Having laid all this out, lets look at our federal and state welfare programs.  How much like slavery are the results of these programs?  Do they control those receiving benefits?  Since these programs provide a base living often over $25,000 they discourage people from starting in the workforce.  Why would someone go to work for $10 per hour when they receive more by collecting food stamps and welfare.  So, for starters they prevent people from seeking honest employment.    The recipients live in fear of losing their government sustenance.  That too is like slavery.  That fear means that those same people will always vote for people that will preserve their payments.  That is the labor component.  The government pays them so they keep the government in power.    If they quit voting for those people the same people would cut them off in a heart beat.

Yes, government benefits have a lot to do with slavery.  The long term impact is the destruction of the family unit.  If you look at communities that have been dependent on government the longest they are the ones with the greatest social instability, crime and drugs.  That is not a coincidence. If you take away a community’s dignity by removing work you remove self-esteem and hope.  The result is predictable.  If we remove these benefits from these communities, they will not starve, but they will find work and find ways to earn an income that supports themselves.  Human nature’s drive to survive will dominate that challenge and over a short time the whole plight of these enslaved communities would be change for the better.


Aborted Fetus Holds Key to the Survival of Humanity

A  girl, just 16 years old from Meridian, MS had gotten her friend to drive her to Tuscaloosa.  They went to  the Planned Parenthood Clinic.  The physician that saw the girl ran two practices, a traditional OB/GYN practice and next door two days a week, an abortion clinic.   Over the course of a year his clinic, the West Alabama Abortion Clinic would perform over 3000 abortions.  All the girl had to do was to sign a few papers and pay and her fetus was forever discarded.  She had been told it was a mass of tissue with no value.  In her heart she had never believed that, but still it was the lie that let her convince herself that this was OK.  For the next few years she had gone about her life, graduated college, gotten  a job with the state of Mississippi and it looked like her future was bright.

When travelling with the Mississippi trade delegation to Southeast Asia she contracted a rare form of the bird flu. This strain had killed everyone that had become infected.  Although she languished in a hospital is Seoul, South Korea for over a month she had come through.  She had survived. Something about her immune system had allowed her to survive.  According to the doctors her  immune system held the key to survival from this disease.  Upon her return to the states she had been contacted regarding genetic testing to determine what part of her genome enabled her to overcome this disease.

Unfortunately, a car wreck and subsequent cremation resulted in their being no usable samples of her DNA for study.  When they asked her family if she had any children, the answer was no.   A short time later, that strain of bird flu hit the United States and the death toll was 100% for everyone infected.  Has the woman survived or had she had her baby millions might have been saved.

Of course, the above scenario is fictional,  but the damage to the gene pool from unbridled abortions cannot be measured.  The truth behind this trend dates back to Francis Galton and the Eugenics movement.

The Smithsonian Magazine this week hailed the scientific achievements of Francis Galton while almost completely glossing over his role as the father of modern day eugenics.  He studied human intelligence with the goal of improving the race by eliminating those that lacked sufficient intelligence. Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood subscribed to the same philosophy.   Although they would never admit it, many of today’s 21st century leaders subscribe to the idea that you can improve human kind by eliminating those of less than average intelligence.

For the Nazis, they decided the traits they thought were inferior were embodied in the Jewish race.  So, they went about the business of genocide.  As time went on they added Catholics and others to the list of the inferior.  After the fact, the world determined that killing adults and ethnic cleansing/genocide was a horrible crime.  That did not stop the Hutus from killing Tutsis in Rwanda.  It did not stop the slaughter of Serbs in Croatia. Each time genocide is justified by the killers. The theories of Francis Galton are cited as justification for mass killing.

After WWII the eugenics supporters went underground, but that has not kept them from causing carnage in America.  Look at the placement of Planned Parenthood clinics or the abortion statistics in Mississippi.   The result though has not been an improvement in the human race, but just the opposite.  Its unintended consequences have been the devaluing of all life, and the destruction of the nuclear family, even more so in the African-American community where there have been a disproportionate number of abortions.

Those bent on improving the human race through infanticide or genocide are filled with an unparalleled pride in themselves.  They are professing to understand what the implications of eliminating parts of the human genome will be, not just next year but 100’s of years hence.  What a God complex is that.?   Every past genocide has been viewed by history as the act of madmen.  The unbridled killing of fetuses will be seen the same way 100 years from now.  Missing elements in the human genome screened out by today’s abortion mills may hold the key to the survival of the human race.  Yet those killing babies today would never acknowledge that.    They are playing Russian Roulette with the future of humanity.

Fetuses Burned For Energy — The Socialist Nation Preview

Fetuses burned for energy in the UK, 15,500 fetuses incinerated.  You may ask what this has to do with us.  It speaks to the respect for life, not just babies, but all life that a society has.  Once a society becomes sufficiently socialized and people are nothing more than numbers who get the same ration from the government, then life has no value.  The pro-abortion crowd often says that they want non-religious reasons to support being pro-life.  Below are a few.

If as a society we don’t respect life we will:

Have more senseless crime.  (Already happening.)

Have fewer stable families. (Already happening.)

Have more unstable children.  (Already happening.)

Kill our old people to save on medical costs or inconvenience. (Happening in Europe.)

Lose the experience of neighbors helping neighbors. (Already happening.)

Watch our prosperity decline. (Already happening.)

Have fewer in society that can support themselves as adults. (Already happening.)

Move from late term abortions to active infanticide. (China already does this.)

If we want a stable prosperous society we should ban abortion and promote the value of life.  That value should be promoted for every child that grows up and reaches for opportunity.  It should be communicated to every adult that they are worth something and valuable.  It starts with the individual but makes for incredibly strong prosperous communities.

Entertainers Should Get Out Of Politics — Ellen Degeneres

Ms. DeGeneres,

Thank you for promoting Obamacare on your show last week.   Because of your support and the support of others in Hollywood  my company had to leave Blue Cross/ Blue Shield as the premiums more than doubled for my family.  Had my company stayed with BC/BS of Alabama my part of the premium would have been close to $24,000 per year.  It is a cost far greater than my family can afford. Your support of Obamacare and the support others in the entertainment industry have resulted in the destruction of working affordable insurance plans across this country.  

Millions of Americans flat out lost their coverage, coverage they liked and could afford.  Your blind support of this program is one reason that these folks are without coverage today.  Millions more are losing their coverage because the rates they pay have gone through the roof.  Those millions are middle class, just not poor enough for subsidies.  Those are the people that go to the theaters, to movies and buy the products on whose advertising you depend.  

It is my hope that anyone who has been negatively impacted by Obamacare, chooses to not buy the products that fuel your show.  If you wish to be an entertainer that is wonderful, but if you wish to promote something without becoming truly educated on what that something does, that is a crime you should be responsible for.  I realize that many celebrities have done this and they are equally responsible.   

Personally, our company had to go with an HMO and, unlike many of those I know, my doctors are in the plan.  Across the country people are dying because they have lost coverage and that process has just started.  For everyone who is denied a medical procedure because they lost their insurance, you are responsible. For everyone who dies because their doctor quits on account of this program you are responsible.   Entertainers  should not be in the business of promoting things for which they themselves don’t have to live with.  I hope the population votes with their pocket books against every entertainer that has decided they know how to provide for people’s healthcare better than they knew how to provide it themselves. 


Keith Risman

Musings on Freedom

     Today was an interesting day.  Our family is fighting the remnants of a sinus infection and we are not feeling the best that we could.  In a perfect world (or at least one without massive government regulation) I could call my doctor and discuss with him my treatment options.  I might give him a credit card over the phone so he could be paid for his time.   He would then tell me to go to the pharmacy and to pick up an antibiotic,an anti-histamine and a decongestant. (Sudafed)  I would then (after sniffling, sneezing and clearing my sinuses.) get in my vehicle and drive to the pharmacy.  I would then walk up to the section on the shelf that said  antibiotics, select the one he suggested, then do the same for the anti-histamine and decongestant.  I would then take them to the counter, pay a reasonable price for them and then go home.

     But this is not a regulation free world, nor is it free in any way.  Let’s compare the scenario above to today’s reality.  If I call my doctor, more often as not because he is worried about law suits, he will not just recommend a medicine.  Instead I have to go in and see him.  Actually he can’t recommend the medicine, he has to call the pharmacy and tell them to let me have the medicine he wants me to take.   The government does not trust me enough to pick the correct medicine from the shelves as I might pick the wrong thing, take to much or too little or even worse, I might get high on Keflex. We can’t have our sick people getting high on over the counter antibiotics  that would be terrible.  So instead we have this whole system where we pay people to approve a drug, then pay them to dispense the drug, and then pay them to track how much of the drug was used.  What a waste.  I wonder how many lives are lost because access to simple prescriptions has gotten so convoluted? I wonder if that information is kept out of the news.  Already the FDA has started to try to limit access to the more expensive cancer drugs.

    What about the Sudafed.  It used to be I could walk up to the shelf an select an anti-histamine that contained Sudafed.  Now I have to go to the counter, show my drivers license and have the pharmacy check and see if I will be concocting methamphetamine from the Sudafed.  If I am sinusy more than 20 days this month I will be cut off because I am clearly a criminal.  Of course, traffic in methamphetamines  has not decreased, it just gets brought in from Mexico.  I however am treated like a criminal.  The next time I apply for a driver’s license they are going to look at me and say. “Sorry sir,  you tried to buy more than your allotment of sinus medicine.  We are going to have to deny you a license.  Please return next year and show that you are clean.”

    Oh my gosh, I have a Sudafed record.  They are going to lump me in with those old people smuggling cheap blood pressure meds and Plavix from Canada.  No wonder our jails are filled with drug abusers.  

    Actually, the point is that this whole infrastructure designed to protect us from ourselves is costing us a fortune while actually limiting the legitimate use of drugs.  How many terminal cancer patients have been denied pot, morphine, or codeine just because the physician was afraid of what the government would say.  His prescribing habits are being tracked and monitored.  Once again I can here the doctor explaining the issue.  “Yes, I know you are in pain and will die in the next few months.  There is nothing I can do to heal you and the government is worried that you might get addicted to codeine so we are not going to give you any pain relief.  You could end up a junkie and on the street.  You will addict your family members.  No we would rather you die a slow, horrible painful death. We are the government and here to help with your every health care need.”

    The current system already costs us, the consumer far more than a system that was truly free of government regulation.   The problems associated with inappropriate use would work themselves out with far less problems than the government thinks.  The cost savings would be tremendous.  Right now, the opposite is occurring.  Government regulation is impacting the legitimate distribution of drugs.  Life saving drugs that cost too much are being limited.  The motive for drug companies to develop new life saving drugs is being stripped away and less R & D is already happening.  Instead of a system that brings the best care, where the vast majority have better access to care than anywhere else in the world we are moving to a system that dispenses medical care the same way we dispense Sudafed.  If you use to much care, you will be denied.

     The government won’t have to kill its enemies, just forbid them to get ambulance rides when they need one, or cut off their medical device allowance.  We are going into a brave old world.  This is a world where freedom exists only for the powerful that can escape the system.    It’s why Congress does not have the same rules applied to them as the rest of us.  Where is the Constitution when you need it?

The Law is the Law — a Terrifying Truth

The President has gotten out his pen and announced a whole host of Obomacare waivers, delayed implementations and exceptions.  The problem is, he did not have the power to actually implement any of them.  Perhaps he can prevent the IRS from going after the unions and businesses he provided waivers to.  Since he did not have the ability to provide those waivers, any fees, taxes and costs associated with Obomcare are still accrueing.  The question then becomes, when does the IRS decide that those back fees weren’t really waived, but are due immediately, plus penalties?

I can envisionsion several scenarios.  Perhaps those fees and penalties will suddenly just apply to conservative businessowners.  If you gave to a conservative candidate you will now owe all your waived penalties with interest.  Your employees will no longer have health insurance coverage.  Your business will be placed in receivership.  

Perhaps the accrued fees will be used to create a need for a single payor system.  The arguement will be made that since businesses are not paying as they should the employees are at risk of losing their coverage so we need to get rid of all employer paid coverage.  In either situation the waivers may well be a huge ruse designed to further the goals of this administration and to centralize their power.

Beyond the obvious, using the waivers to protect democrats in 2014’s midterm elections,  they are part of a more sinister plan.   Their eventual enforcement will be used to cowtow their enemies and to further destroy health insurance markeplace.  

If you own a business, run and insurance company, manage a pharmaceutical company, or provide medical services in any way you best stop this train now.  Your livelihood is about to be destroyed.  Already more people have lost their insurance because of Obomacare than have gained new insurance.  The administration cares only for its agenda.  They are willing to kill or disrupt the lives of as many citizens as it takes to implement their vision.  Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez, and Mao all had the same approach. Implementing the vision was more important than human life, freedom, or liberty.







Massive Tax Wasted In Pursuit of Leftist Agenda (NASA)

Why is NASA studying the rise and fall of civilizations?  Perhaps I missed something.  How does the National Air and Space Administration justify spending our tax dollars on a study of the rise and fall of civilizations?  Do we know of any alien civilizations out there in danger of imminent demise?  Do we have a colony on the moon that is about to become the next great empire?  Just the existence of the study suggests that this administration will do anything to justify further limits on what people can own, eat  breath and consume.

The fall of Rome was about a lack of resources.  Yep, not rocket science.  The barbarians did not have the resources and Rome did.  So the barbarians took the resources from Rome.  Putin did not own the Crimea, so he took it.  The fact that the US has had increasing food production for the last 100 years and a population that  grows at a snails pace means nothing when you want to take what people have and give it to people that did not earn it.  How on earth did NASA become a tool for propaganda?  Is anyone else appalled by this?

NASA and the federal government are taking our tax dollars and using it in studies to take away more of our hard earned income.  It is shameful. It has nothing to do with the mission of NASA.  If they really want to know what kills societies, it is bad leadership.  Perhaps whoever ordered this study should look in the mirror and resign before bad leadership kills our great nation.  Our leaders need to spend less time in never never land and come back to earth.


     While the Russians are laughing and mocking President Obama because of his complete impotence and inability to prevent their annexing of the Crimea the President continues to employ the NSA to spy on US Citizens and on the phone calls of complete countries.    He disarms the US and wonders why Russia is grabbing land with no concern about repercussions.  While he completely disregards the constitution’s protections against government intrusion he is powerless to stop that intrusion when done by other countries.

   The world’s formerly most stalwart bastion of freedom and protector of freedom around the world has become pitiful, powerless, and inept on the world stage.  We may know about everyone’s phone calls but we can’t stop them from doing anything. We gave the Muslim Brotherhood Egypt and Libya and that backfired.  We are giving Iran the ability to make nuclear bombs.  We pulled out of Afghanistan  and are handing it back to the Taliban who were behind 9/11.

    Thanks to President Obama, who values persecuting conservative groups inside this country more than protecting freedom here or anywhere else, we are a joke.  We are unwilling to use real military power.  We pull back our missile defenses because the Russian ask us to.  We use selected drones but the real bad guys roam free and take over country after country.    With the policies now in effect, it is just a matter of time until more American die because Obama has abdicated his responsibility to protect this country from all threats foreign and domestic.  

    Actually, he should resign since he is the greatest threat this country has ever faced.  

Propaganda — Living with Nazi’s

Perhaps you think that comparing today’s political and social environment to that of the German Nazi’s is unfair.  You say, as so many in the past have said, “It will never happen here!”   I will admit, at least to my knowledge, our government has not implemented death camps, but there are a lot of similarities that are worth exploring.  Nazi atrocities began when basic freedoms, those guaranteed by our constitution, were no longer protected by the German government.  This is occurring in the US today, specifically regarding the freedom of the press, the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, the freedom of religion, and the right to free speech.   These freedoms are all being eroded and their dismantling is being aid by a not so free press corp.

Let’s look at free press first.  The majority of Americans get their news from the major press outlets, ABC, NBC, and CBS.  Although their share of the market has dwindled because of the internet, their influence remains dis-proportionally large.  Whether from the morning daily shows, the evening news, or from the network interjection into radio news throughout the day, Americans are subjected to a primarily one size fits all broadcast.  When each network did its own investigations and discovery there was a certain variety in those broadcasts.  At that point it was possible to get differing views of world events.  Over the past several years, the networks no longer investigate many of the stories they broadcast. Instead they repeat, almost verbatim the press release they get from the White House or its affiliates.    What the consumer hears is the same exact words that started with a speech writer in the White House.   Key phrases are repeated across stations and venues.   There is no investigation, no questions, and no determination as to whether the information is true.  When that occurs, whether the press is formally controlled by force or not, it is propaganda and the press is no longer exercising free speech.    Even worse, the constant repetition of catch phrases is a blatant attempt to brain wash the populace.    I am not sure which is worse, that the media is trying to brain wash its audience or that it thinks it can.

Actually, our government and its affiliates have it even better than did the Nazi’s.  When someone in the mainstream press disagrees on air with the White House/Governmental message, that person is drummed out of the press corp.  (Juan WilliamSharyl Attkisson).  Those that disagree are marginalized.  Those that seek the truth are purposely pushed out or to the side.  It appears that the culprit is the press corp itself which in order to promote an agenda has abdicated it role as the keeper of truth.  They have voluntarily become the persecuting arm of the government.  You can even see this in how they approach politicians they disagree with such as Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann.  A press that is no longer interested in the truth is one that is no longer free.

The right not to have your personal effects searched by the government without a specific and personal warrant no longer exists.  As part of the effort to prevent terrorism, data on everyone’s cell phone calls, the from who, the to who, and the when and where made from is collected.  A government that is tracking the location of the majority of its citizens and that records each citizen’s associations has more power than one that just gets neighbors to spy on neighbors.  It is more intrusive that the KGB or Nazi’s, yet this is not stopped.  Even when it comes out that the CIA is spying on Congress, it is not stopped.   As long as these activities continue there is no privacy and no protection from unreasonable search and seizure.  It is happening every day to pretty much every US citizen.

One of the arguments that has been made to justify the collection of data about every citizen is that the data is not used to target anyone other than terrorists.  No one state the obvious.  If the data is being used to identify terrorist, they sift through everyone to pluck out the suspected bad guys.  Everyone is guilty until the computer says otherwise. Additionally, Tea Party groups, conservative groups,  and some Jewish groups were admittedly targeted by the IRS for harassment and in such a way as to limit their effectiveness.  That targeting, described by many of the victims,  included not just IRS audits, improper questions, and tax considerations, but also, OSHA inspections, ATF investigations, and FDA involvement.  From this it is clear that government is targeting those that if feels are its enemies.  It is trying to intimidate them into not speaking up and to keep them at home during elections.  The requirement in the constitution  that the law be applied equally to all is gone.  They can round you up, destroy your business, and limit your activities at will.  Where is ABC, CBS, and NBC while this goes on.  They are complicit in this and are not protecting freedom.   The less we watch those channels and outlets the less viable their adverting will be.   The best way to get these organizations to do their job is to stop watching.  That stops the advertising.  At that point either they become factual and relevant or expire.

Lastly, lets discuss freedom of religion.  Even though the constitution guarantees the government shall make no law respecting an establishment of religionrecent court cases, the implementation of Obamacare and the unequal application of this provision to enhance the position of Muslims and atheists have eroded the religious freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.  The government through Obamacare is trying to enforce its view that everyone should be able to get a paid for abortion through the law even though it violates the religious beliefs of millions of individuals.  Moments of silence have been banned in some schools while Muslim student have been given an opportunity to pray 5 times a day in others.  The bottom line is those with Judeo-Christian beliefs are under attack and the government is actively trying to marginalize their right to believe as they would.

Already the executive branch itself and through the regulatory agencies is implementing law far beyond the powers granted through the legislature.  Persecution is happening. Religious freedom and political discourse are being controlled. Is it Nazi Germany?  Not yet.  It took the Nazi’s 10 years to fully control the populace and to remove any vestige of freedom.  The assault on gun ownership is also a sign of the attempt by our government to discard the constitution.  We are at a point now, where if people do not stand up and say “No More.”  we are on that road.  It can happen here.  All it takes is the loss of one freedom, then the next.  Like the frog in the pot of water on the stove.  It does not know it is about to be boiled until it is too late.    It is time to get out of the pot before it is too late.