Global Thermonuclear War – Biden Wants This

It’s not just about bad policy decisions that have embroiled us as major arms suppliers to Ukraine, but something deeper and far more insideous. The Biden administration has not just prevented peace negociations, but they have actively encouraged Russia’s perception that the United States wants to destroy Putin and Russia. This clearly bolsters Russia’s feeling of insecurity.

This is where we are headed.

There was a peace deal on the table in April, Ukraine promises not to join Nato and Russia withdraws. It was pretty simple, returned things to the status quo and give Russia security guarantees. This was what Russia wanted before the war while the US provoked Putin by telling Ukraine to join Nato. Yes, we provoked Russia by making them (Putin) feel less secure. We did it on purpose.

Why? Why would we want to villify Russia? Why would we be willing to risk nuclear war? For the last 7 years the democrats have been creating false narratives in order to bring down Donald Trump, and those narratives are all about how Russia was behind Donald Trump’s election and about how Donald Trump colluded with Russia. The Democrats with the help of the media have created the myth of an evil Russian empire with no evidence, just repeated claims. In fact, the lies behind that myth have all since unravelled. Even so, painting Russia as an enemy gives the Democrats something to point their base to, gives them an external enemy so that the American people do not look too closely at what they are really doing.

In this case that external enemy is being poked and prodded into using nuclear weapons. It is as if the Biden administration has no clue that once that happens civilization ceases to exist. There is no such thing as a limited nuclear war. Even a limited exchange will make most of Europe uninhabitable, with millions picking up radiation, developing cancer, dying years before their time in brutal pain, all because the Biden administration wanted create a boogey man to hide their own corruption.

Once nuclear weapons start, then the odds of the exchange staying limited drop precipitously. Major cities will be struck, millions incinerated, 10,000 years of improving lives and civilization will be gone replaced with cro-magnon survival at best. Yet, most of Congress and the Biden administratiion continue to take us down that road, rather than sue for peace.

There is not a person, Democrat or Republican that should not be calling their representatives and telling them that suing for peace is the only path forward. This is the most important thing that you can do today. It really comes down to, “If you want to live.” Kid’s gluing themselves to art gallery walls for global warming, won’t be alive after their world heats to 10,000 degrees celcius and they are forever gone.

If you are the media, if you value your life, the life of your parents, kids, friends and associates, then it is time to raise the alarm. There is no political objective that justifies the risk being taken. Every media company worldwide ought to be preaching this, preaching peace, seeking a resolution to this conflict which does not end in holocost. This is not a high stakes game, it is one with only one outcome and that outcome is death.

Killing America, by Killing Energy

According to Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, a leading price reporting agency, battery-grade lithium carbonate (EXW China, ≥99.5% Li2CO3) was averaging a whopping $76,700 a tonne in mid-March. During the same month last year, the metal was trading at $13,400 a tonne.


For all the elites that believe they are saving the planet by buying an electric vehicle, they are living a lie and a lie that will ultimately destroy the prosperity this country enjoys. The energy cost of just getting the metals out of the ground for electric vehicles by far exceeds the savings in carbon emissions that driving the vehicle provides. Then so little of the electricity that fuels these vehicles come from renewables that charging them is using the fossil fuels that are so hated.

The Biden war on fossil fuels is expected to devaste households across this country as the cost of heating oil skyrockets. The current rolling blackouts in California and Nevada are clear indicators that the war on fossil fues is hurting Americans.

The elites in Washington, watch as citizens in Ghana and Sri Lanka starve following the same fossil fuel plan as they are implementing here. If those promoting the Green New Deal cared anything for the general welfare and prosperity of society then they would unleash fossil fuels not cripple them. Clearly these zealots, who know they are having zero impact on climate would rather destroy people lives than allow people to prosper. It is shameful.

It’s all for the greater good. Look around you, are people struggling to pay their bills, missing meals, losing jobs and suffering from high crime, is that the greater good. More people die of cold every year than heat, yet the approach to energy just means that even more people won’t be able to afford to heat their homes.

If you are promoting the destruction of fossil fuels, you are promoting starvation, and misery. I guess that is the elite view of the greater good. I would urge anyone who promotes this farce to look at the impact is has and to evaluate what is important. If you can about the greater good, even life itself, then rethinking the approach to fossil fuels is a good first step.

Or youi can step up and pay for those less fortunate to heat their homes this winter. Like that will happen.

Framing the Donald

From the Farm: Today promises (given sufficient health and energy) to be a busy day. I have some building to work on for the future chickens and to support climbing onto a horse. I started to condition the leather on the saddle I bought last night. This is going to a major task with replacing the latigo and ties as well as reconditioning the leather with 5 or 6 coats. It will take that to get the leather supple again. Tea Cup Pigs Hoax — Just another hoax!!! (Smithsonian)

I generally stay away from politics in this blog, but I have a theory that I really have not heard on the talking head news. So, I am going to lay out the case for my theory before going out this morning to work on the farm. To start with, the history is that from the point that Donald Trump announced his candidacy, his staffers were targeted, arrested, bankrupted and jailed before having their convictions overturned. He was framed by the FBI and DOJ with the Russiagate hoax that was disproved and discredited, then twice impeached but not convicted since both impeachments were also a hoax. The media predicted his fall over and over only to be proven wrong. The media promoted disinformation on Donald Trump over and over only to wind up completely embarrassed and discredited. So, this raid on Donald Trump fits the pattern of trying to create a crime from which entrenched establishment Washington can stop Donald Trump from running again. That has been the game ever since he was first elected. The establishment is terrified that he will get into office and gut the burocracy. Of course, they have now fired him and his base up in a way that he will do that with a vengeance if re-elected. So, what follows is an different analysis of the raid and the events leading up to the raid.

There were reports of a ‘mole’ working in Mar-a-Lago that was a member of the President’s secret service team. Since the DOJ and National Archives people had been through all the documents in June and just asked that the President add a padlock to the room, all the documents had been inspected. They had already had the opportunity to take any document that the President had in his possession. So as of June there were no classified documents, or documents that could cause national security issues. (Such as nuclear documents) If there was a mole, then there was someone who could plant such documents. It would be as simple as funneling documents to the individual and paying him for his betrayal. I would think that ever one of those agents working as part of the President’s team should be investigated for a change in lifestyle, large purchases, or sudden boost in their financial standing. There is every suggestion that pattern fits with the pattern for prior attempts at framing the President.

In the event that the ‘mole’ was unable to plant documents, the fact that the President’s lawyers were not permitted on the premises while the search/raid was continuing left 30 FBI agents with free access to plant any document that they wanted then to carry the same documents out of the complex with the boxes of paper. Again, i would urge that every one of those FBI agents get investigated for a change in financial condition. Since there is a history of created evidence as applies to Donald Trump and his associates this is idea is less speculation and more of a conclusion based on the FBI and DOJ’s past behavior.

The DOJ, the FBI, the Democrats, and the corrupt Washington establishment are terrified of Donald Trump. This is obviously another attempt at framing him. Donald Trump declassified all the documents taken from the White House, the DOJ has seen all those documents and had time to inspect them yet found nothing. Had there been anything of a national security urgent nature then they would have addressed that when they saw the documents in June, not left the national security issue open to exploitation for 2 months. That does not suggest urgency, it suggests frame up. There was nothing there of an urgent nature, so they had to plant something. The way the FBI conducted the raid suggests they did not want witnesses during the raid, so kept Donald Trump’s lawyers out so they could not see what was occurring. That is beyond irregular and smacks of a set up not a criminal investigation.

I do not know what will happen in the mid-terms, but I would hope that starting now everyone in Washington that desires for this country to prosper, would stand up to these criminal acts. If the midterms bring a Republican opposition to power, then I would hope that Merrick Garland and the top echelons of the FBI and DOJ would be impeached and cast out of Washington permanently.

Unfortunately, I am just one small voice in millions. The Democrats are fond of saying our democracy is threatened. Establishment Washington, is indeed the threat and this raid is just one example of many that shows the power in Washington is out of control. Unless that changes the totalitarian state is already upon us. Either good people push back or it will get way worse. It is sad that so many ordinary people do not speak up for what is right.

God Bless All!!!!

Stop Enabling Tyranny – Before Your It

To the members of Congress, the media, big tech, the FBI, the DOJ, Teachers, and the CIA whose organization’s credibility has been utterly destroyed through the willful use of lies and the warping of the law to serve financial and political ends:  To everyone that is going along to get along as they watch harm come to themselves and their families, this message is for you.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

If your opinion differs from that of your neighbor on a topics such as religion or politics should you or your neighbor be slapped in chains and hauled off to solitary confinement?  What if, in order to make a point, your government with the help of a media that reprints every comment made by the government as gospel,  throws a 69 year old woman with breast cancer into solitary confinement, just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Is that ok? 

Minneapolis, MN. It was minority communities destroyed. How is that ok?

Often conservative media puts forth the idea that the vast majority of FBI, CIA and DOJ employees are good people, that these are people that support the rule of law and are interested in the fair application of the law across all racial, political, and religious boundaries.  I do not believe it.  These so called good employees are silent while 100s of defendants languish in DC jails for simply walking through the open doors of the capital building, while the 10s of 1000s of George Floyd protesters who caused billions in damage leaving behind torched communities and ruined lives are bailed out by congress people.

Where are these good agents, responsible media personalities, or principled members of Congress who are supposedly standing up for either the rule of law, objective truth,  or common  decency?  They are no where to be found.    Sure, everyone wants to protect their job, but at what point does the tyranny imposed by these institutions become a tyranny that comes for even the seemingly most innocuous employee that just kept his/her head down.    When will your seemingly unimportant view of sex or religion become a reason to slap you in chains? What happens in totalitarian states when the first round of opposition is suppressed, they come for you next.

History is rife with examples of purges and these purges have begun.  Not yet bloody, the current purges are already happening.   Military members that have refused to get the vaccine have been driven out of the Armed Forces without the retirement and benefits they were promised for putting their lives on the line for this country.   How is it ok for these members to be driven out, purged, for refusing to take a vaccine that has proven to be ineffective and whose long term impact on people’s health has been hidden from the population.  In one of the healthiest, least at risk populations the vaccine was used as a loyalty test to see if these members would go along with even unreasonable commands.  Loyalty tests are the stuff of totalitarian regimes.  Why has no one pushed back on this?

Do NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and CNN support loyalty tests?  When it happens to the members of these organizations are they going to stand up and say its wrong?  By then it will be too late and the precious jobs the silent were hoping to protect will be gone.   Tyranny just requires silence and too few people to speak up.  As long as the majority do not speak up, tyranny will continue and get worse.  

The status quo has become that of a corrupt government, corrupt media and corrupt institutions whose rank and file are too afraid to speak the truth.   When companies allow China to manufacture their products using slave labor and justify that in terms of profit, that is corruption.  How many people suffer in pursuit of that profit.  When our big tech companies assist China in developing the surveillance state how long until you and your family will be subject to the same surveillance here?  When will that translate to your being arrested for having the wrong thought or for going against the prevailing orthodoxy? 

When the FBI classifies parents as terrorists in order to protect school boards from the parents whose interest in the education of their children should be paramount it is clear that the FBI no longer has an interest in pursuing criminals.  If your child is in one of these schools that is spending more time indoctrinating kids than in seeing that they have a firm foundation in reading, writing and math, then your child is being put behind in ever measure that will help that child succeed in life.   No FBI agent should be willing to help persecute parents in their efforts to promote their children’s education.  FBI agents, CIA agents, and many, many government employees have children that are no longer being taught the basics.   Why the hell do you allow this?  Why do you not stand up for your children?

Big tech employees watch while their companies implement algorithms that hide the harm being done to children, that suppress valid medical information, that promote policies that ultimately harm children and hurt both their health and long term mental stability.  Why do these employees not stand up and say enough is enough?     When the CDC is clearly hiding data, how is that not front page news? When China’s military unleashes a world wide devastating virus on the world how is that ok to bury?  When the head of the NIAID agency promotes scientific experiments (gain of function) and it results in millions of deaths, how is that not news everywhere. When those experiments are continuing, how is that ok. What if your mom, dad, brother or sister die because you remained silent, how will you feel about not calling out the people suppressing that information?

When the FBI fails to prosecute clear evidence of law breaking from Democratic operatives, from those that destroy evidence, use illicit drugs, or have demonstrated evidence of compromise by our enemies, but pursue vendettas on the thinnest of evidence against political enemies it is obvious that the FBI is no longer interested in justice.  Now the FBI is just a political hack with no reputation to lean on other than a terrible, awful, disreputable stain.  If I were an FBI agent and a father teaching my son or daughter that the work I did was honorable, I would be ashamed.   Where are those people? Why do they tolerate this from their bosses? What happened to the days where the FBI pursued drug traffickers, terrorists (Like the people that destroyed our cities), and gang members? Of course, not pursuing these things as a priority means one day their families will suffer death or injury. I think that if I were an FBI agent I would speak up before that happens.

For members of the FDA, CDC, and NIH,  the once respected communities of government professionals tasked with protecting the health of this nation.   To see your leaders constantly lying about Covid and the vaccine has been more than a disappointment.  To watch while other countries publish real data while our country covers that data up, or worse, fabricates results is embarrassing.  The day we have a real health emergency, no one will accept that it is real since all credibility has been stripped from both the CDC, the FDA and the NIH.  How many people have died because Covid was mishandled? How many more will die because no one believes these institutions any more.   Doctors and nurses across this country, knowing that cloth masks do nothing and that lockdowns fail still got on board.  No one stood up to the failed policies that killed millions unnecessarily.  Is this the health policy world you want to be part of?  Where are the guts to stand up for what is right? 

As government policy shuts down oil and gas production in this country, the production of which enabled the most productive agriculture in the world and the export of energy that saves countless third world lives, few in government have spoken up.  As millions are starving in Ghana and Sri Lanka because of the ESG policies for which there is no evidence of planetary improvement, why are people tolerating these policies that cause poorer countries to be thrown back to the stone age, and our country to suffer unprecedented inflation, food lines and poverty.  What is shocking is the silence by all the well meaning folks. These people are ok with mass starvation as if that is some sort of social good.  If you have a family and kids for another generation these policies guarantee your kids will be far worse off that you are, or are just dead.  Not standing up now, is promising them that future. Is that what you want?

I could go on, but this is a call to all those involved in tacitly protecting these harms to rise up against their employers, government or otherwise and push for change that results in prosperity for themselves and their children.   This is not America First, although that is not a bad idea, but about self interest.  The totalitarian state has already started? How long until that state comes after you for not being vocal enough in support of its policies.   How long are you willing to call green, blue or 5, 6 in order to appease someone’s idea of control?  Are you willing to let unproven vaccines give your children heart failure or cancer in 20 years?   What will you do when your child asks you why you let him or her get the vaccine? 

Yes, this is a call to action.  Speak up, cajole, protest, support the truth, protect our country from out of control inflation, unnecessarily high energy costs, food shortages, out of control crime, unequal justice and from those whose policies hurt not just us but whose policies increase poverty across all four corners of the earth. The United States has given more cash and goods to more impoverished people across the globe than any other country in history. Letting our government impoverish its people destroys that good will. It makes millions around the world suffer. Anyone that does not speak up leaves that as their legacy. It is time to speak up. Pass this letter around to all that you know as it is incumbent on each person to stand up for what is right and what is right is in each persons self interest in the long run.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good

men to do nothing,” a Quote

The Failure of Our Medical System

Access Denied

A woman with uncontrollable whole body shakes, arms flailing, legs jerking, stomach muscles folding her in half goes into the emergency room in a small town hospital. (Eufaula) The doctor does a CT scan, takes history, and can’t figure out why this is happening. He sees a possible stroke on the CT but that may be old. Over the next 12 hours he figures out that they can suppress the symptoms using a Parkinson’s medication, but still has no answers as to the underlying cause.

Community Hospital

He calls the state’s most prestigious and well known hospital system(UAB) to have the woman transferred. They won’t take the patient, no available beds and no option for a later admit. Unable to do more than keep the woman medicated and barely comfortable, the small town hospital just sends her home with medication, no solution, no diagnosis. That capability is beyond the resources of the small town.

It is now up to the patient to find a neurologist/specialist before either her medications run out or she returns to an emergency room with another acute event. She has a primary care doctor in Birmingham at UAB but that doctor retired. A referral from that practice would get her seen. They will see her, in 45 days well past the end of the medications that control the tremors. It’s an emergency only held back by medication.

The absolute indifference to the plight of the patient by UAB and I am sure, a multitude of other institutional medical centers has become the trend not the exception. The primary care has its processes, and won’t budge, the specialists use this as a shield against seeing new patients and the result is patient lives are at risk. The time to diagnosis and treatment is extended and maybe the patient survives until they can find the right resource, and perhaps the patient dies while waiting.

This certainly seems to be the approach at UAB where the wearing of flimsy paper masks is still required even though there is no medical evidence that the masks prevent any disease, Covid-19 or otherwise. The patient is left with calling every neurologist across the state in hopes of finding one that will look at her case.

Medicine has become more focused on the process of limiting access, even to fully insured patients, than making any attempt to resolve the most serious cases as soon as possible. Is it equity that ties up the resources now, not the need to treat the most serious cases first? Do serious cases no longer matter? What ever happened to the oath physician’s take?

Life expectancy has fallen precipitately over the last two years. While therapeutics for Covid were discouraged, critical patient needs ignored, cancer screenings delayed and fear promoted, the result has been increased death. There has to be a point where doctors stand up and say that this is not acceptable. Still, I see few signs that in the face of increased administrative burdens, the push for more expensive pharmaceuticals, greater interference by insurance companies that the doctors, the people most invested in this system other that the patient are willing to say anything.

Doctor’s and nurses have gone from being perceived as heroes, fighters for their patients, champions of good health, to being perceived in large part as bureaucrats, too scared to take up for their patients, too frightened of consequences to state even the obvious. Science now means less than personal security. Of course there are a few that stand up to the pressures put on them and they pay a high price for stating the obvious. There are far too few champions to change this trajectory.

In the meantime, the case of the woman above remains unresolved and it is only a matter of time before things become life threatening again.

Freedom News – Stealing the American Dream

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new federal eviction moratorium on Tuesday.

In violation after the Supreme Court had already ruled.

At the time that Alabama Association of Realtors was decided, the moratorium was set to expire on July 31. Kavanaugh wrote that he agrees with the plaintiffs that “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its existing statutory authority by issuing a nationwide eviction moratorium,” but he also decided to let the moratorium expire of its own accord at the end of July — rather than suspending it immediately.

So if the CDC can overrule the Supreme Court which had specifically limited its authority, then where is the rule of law. If paying rent is not required while apartment owners still have to pay mortgages and upkeep, how will those owners keep their property. Those owners, not all big businesses may lose their properties to the banks that hold the mortgages. Basically, in violation of every tenet of the constitution dealing with property rights the CDC has nationalized apartment buildings.

No one wants to evict anyone, but taking one person’s property and giving it to another sets a precedent. How soon until another agency decides that you can’t own your home or your car? Government already decided who can work and who can not, depriving millions of their jobs and livelihoods.

The government allowed billions of dollars of damage in the riots last year depriving mostly minority communities of their right to own their businesses through not enforcing the law and then by defunding the police so that violence in American cities balloons making them death pits.

With over a 1,000,000 illegal immigrants entering our country in just the first half of 2021 the Biden administration is letting in enough illegal aliens to change the electorate. They are providing funds from American taxpayers to house and ship these people to every corner of the US. Taxpayers will pay for their schooling, their housing and their healthcare all in violation of US law. In addition, the government is allowing and unrestricted flow of drug and human traffickers.

What do the people that believe in this country and its constitution need to do to preserve the rights guaranteed by the constitution?

The Perfect Bioweapon

CNN keeps a tracker of the deaths per 100,000 on Covid-19. Looking at that chart the deaths in the Western world appear to be far greater than those of the east. Why is that? Can a virus be genetically modified to impact western societies far more than those of the east. The scientific consensus from early on is that this virus was man-made, that its DNA sequence had elements which could not occur in nature.

Deaths from Covid around the world — CNN

Covid-19 turned out to be the perfect bioweapon, unleashed either purposefully from the Wuhan lab or accidentally, the virus is a Chinese Communist Party dream. Once released the Chinese, locked down their own people to slow the spread while allowing infected people to travel the world.

If I were a Chinese military strategist and wanted to severely cripple my western opponents with a virus, one that impacted my opponents far more than it impacted my own population, then Covid-19 would be considered a genius of design. Moreover the initial strain of the virus Covid-A is most deadly to the elderly and those with underlying comorbidities. According to Marxist theory these are the people that are least productive in society so they have no worth as working contributors. These people are expendable. That is classic Marxism.

Modern Marxist believe that the world, unless controlled will destroy itself if there are too many people in it. So the non productive are expendable. A virus that takes out the elderly and infirm is the perfect virus from a Marxist perspective. If you say that is horrible, just look at the recent history of China. They enforce population limits through abortion and infanticide. They put marginalized groups such and the Uighurs in forced labor camps. They also ‘disappear’ anyone that has the temerity to object to state policy.

Uighurs Concentration Camp

This virus, possibly originally leaked by accident became a military dry run for disabling the west. Donald Trump with his willingness to push back and his willingness to hurt China with economic tariffs scared the Chinese leadership. The Chinese leadership only continues to hold power as long as they can keep the majority of their population reasonably fed and as long as they provide a sense of better days ahead. Economic turmoil is the one thing that scares the CCP(Chinese Communist Party)

The CCP rules by fear and control, but even with that massive dehumanizing apparatus in place, hungry people will rise up and they can not tolerate even the slightest chance of that. So the virus was a trial run to see what they could do to the world to enhance their dominance.

It worked. The virus, with the help of fear mongers well paid by the Chinese shut down the world. It closed the west, put millions out of jobs, gave governments unprecedented powers superseding the freedoms guaranteed by State constitutions. If you doubt that the Chinese control is so pervasive, all you need to do is to watch how Labron James was shut down by saying something in support of Hong Kong or even worse, the pitiful apology issued by John Cena. This is the economic impact of Chinese control on American business. The control of the Chinese of American big tech is far greater than people realize. What has been published is just a sliver of the actual dollars paid. You have to analyze the results and the impact to understand the breathe of this control.

Releasing the virus worked to cripple the west and much of the world. It got Joe Biden elected even though President Biden often appears senile and unable to understand what is going on around him. It got him elected even though Hunter Biden’s laptop and emails clearly show that China has compromised the President. Further, if you look at the President’s policies toward China, his removal of the investigation into the virus’s origin, and his dismantling of the Trump era sanctions and policies show how much his actions have sold out this country.

The virus continues to ravage this county, with unexpected mutations such as the Delta variant. News outlets continue to promote fear at every opportunity and federal policy under the Biden administration continues to promote control over as much as the population as it can. The forced vaccine policy for the military and federal workers, the encouragement of businesses to force vaccine mandates on their employees even as the virus mutates and the vaccine becomes less effective are signs of this Chinese control. Even though millions have natural immunity of the virus, this fact is never mentioned as they urge those that do not need the vaccine to get it anyway, no matter their medical status. It is a symbol of compliance as are masks that do next to no good. Obey they say, get the shot. Those who do not are painted as enemies of the state.

This is the loss of freedom, this is the type of thing that has always been the fear of Americans. Vaccination without representation is no different than taxation without representation. People from every walk of life should speak up and push back against this unconstitutional application of unabridged government power.

The Government is Always Right

There are scientists that say the virus came from a lab in Wuhan, China. They point to unusual non-naturally occurring gene sequences. Others that claim, based on peer reviewed studies that hydroxychloroquine when given early saves lives. Still others that point to pre-Covid-19 studies of flu and Sars viruses that masks offer no protection. Some look at the states that locked down and the states that did not lock down and see no benefit of the lockdowns. Others question why if children are not at risk schools remain closed in many states.

So many theories, they must all be wrong. Surely we would not force masks if they did not work. Surely we would not close schools if children could not be at risk. Surely we would not prevent Covid patients from getting life saving inexpensive treatments if the science said otherwise. Surely we would not destroy 1000s of businesses for no good reason.

This is something to think about. The science never said to do the things that were done. All society continues to suffer as a result.

COVID -19 Facts and Conjecture

Where did Covid-19 come from?

I am a nobody, just a news watcher and someone who has paid attention as COVID-19 has remade this country into one whose inherent freedoms have been decimated in exchange for a false sense of security. In response to this threat, we locked down the healthy not at risk people as well as the vulnerable. For every other disease we took precautions to protect the vulnerable. We crippled our economy, prevented churches from meeting and in many states we are still putting restrictions on healthy free people.

We are told to get the vaccine, but our leaders who have had the vaccine are still wearing masks. We are told that masks work even though scientifically viral particles are far smaller than the holes in the fabric of most masks. We have not opened schools in many places even though the science says children are neither spreaders nor vulnerable to the virus. The flu all but disappeared, yet another mystery. So, what is the origin of the virus? Who benefits from its having been unleashed? Who benefits from its continued presence and its continued injection of fear into society?

COVID-19 virus.

Dr. Fauci is one of the people directly responsible for the creation of Covid-19. No wonder he has consistently steered the conversation and response away from China. So why does he and President Biden continue to wear masks even after they have been vaccinated and even after countless studies showing masks do not prevent the spread of COVID-19? So why are these vaccinated people wearing masks. Surely Dr. Fauci is aware of the studies regarding common cold viruses and the flu virus about masks that predated COVID-19. Recommending something that does not work makes no sense. The World Health Organizations main COVID-19 page says nothing about masks, which is odd. It also says to distance one metre (3 feet) and not 6 feet. So why is the CDC still saying 6 feet?

Dr. Fauci Aided the creation of COVID-19 and helped China avoid a grant review that might had meant the virus was never created in Wuhan.

WHO (The World Health Organization) recently put out a report about the origins of the COVID-19 virus stating that it was extremely unlikely that the virus came from a lab in Wuhan. The fact that China has not allowed access to the lab and its data is glossed over even though this access has been requested by WHO, by the CDC and by Australian authorities. The obvious question is, if China has nothing to hide regarding the origins of COVID-19, why have they repeatedly denied access to data that would confirm that? Perhaps they do have something to hide. Why did China destroy the data from 300 studies at the Wuhan lab?

Early on, the doctor that issued warnings about COVID-19 disappeared in China.

We often hear that science is absolute. Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist who was forced to escape Hong Kong wrote a paper detailing how the genetic sequence demonstrated by the COVID-19 virus could not have occurred naturally, but was engineered. The Wuhan lab is implicated in viral “Gain of Function” engineering. This is a process where a potentially harmful virus has its genome enhanced to make the virus more infectious and more lethal. If her claims are true and this virus was engineered at the Wuhan Institute for Virology and escaped safety controls, then the truth is horrifying. A man made killer virus was let out into the world by China.

Did COVID-19 Come From Here?

In addition, let’s look at China’s behavior from early in the pandemic. Although China knew the virus was human to human transmissible they had the World Health Organization telling everyone that human to human transmission did not occur. Scientists in China that wanted to speak out about this virus conveniently disappeared or died. Dr. Yan fled and fears for her life. These are not actions of a country interested in minimizing the impact of the virus, these are the actions of a country that both wants to hide its involvement and of a country that wants to see what impact the virus will have on the world.

If your goal as a country is economic dominance. Unleashing a virus that causes your competitors to shut down their economies, that overwhelms their medical systems and for which there is no cure seems like a perfect plan. The fact that the plan is completely amoral, kills millions and causes massive devastation is not relevant when the ultimate goal is domination of your enemies. Perhaps the virus escaped the lab accidentally and China saw this as an opportunity. Whether accidental or purposeful, the initial response in saying it was not human to human transmissible provided time for the virus to spread, to gain a foothold in the rest of the world.

Is it possible that the virus was a natural mutation, sure. SARS-COVID viruses have been around a while and have been studied extensively. It would be simple if the will was there to prove whether this was a man made or natural virus. Dr. Yan’s work and that of others suggests that it is man-made. The source of the spread, outward from China does not seem to be in dispute, so in keeping with viral naming traditions, Africa Ebola, Spanish Flu and China virus the name seems apt. But to validate where this originated all that is required is a set of virologists familiar with gene sequencing who are tasked with determining whether this is a naturally occurring virus. The difficulty is finding virologists who work for institutions that have not been corrupted by Chinese money or grants. Dr. Fauci’s own history shows that corruption.

Ever wonder why the messaging about the virus, about its spread, and about its treatment keeps changing. Often the changes appear to have nothing to do with ‘science’. There is so much money and so many special interests surrounding this virus that any science that disagrees with the messaging is shut down. The tech companies, the media companies and much of academia have an interest in not answering these questions and in debunking the answers that China is opposed to. If the accumulated science seems to overwhelm the messaging then the messaging is tweaked. Note that the messaging seems to always favor increasing fear, denying that treatments work (HydroxyChloroquinine), urging people to be separate from others, and denying China was the source. This is exactly what a government that wanted to control its population would put out.

For China as a country, currently with 1 million Uighurs in concentration camps, using them for body parts, sterilizing others to the tune of 80+ per day, it is not hard to see a country that will do anything to achieve dominance. The virus hardly impacts healthy people, but those who are elderly or unhealthy who have the greatest medical cost to society are at significant risk, if infected. Killing off this segment of the population is in line with the communist party dogma. It is no different than when Barack Obama suggested rationing care to the elderly that were sick. Give them an aspirin, make them comfortable, but deny them expensive treatments as they are no longer significant contributors to society. The China of Tiananmen Square still exists but now it is a global philosophy with financial controls and a more opaque ruthlessness. That ruthlessness is still there and appears to underlie the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therapeutic Nihilism

The HIV/AIDS epidemic caused fear and panic in the 1980s. Yet physicians stepped up, set new protocols, and continued to treat patients without requiring HIV tests before seeing them At the time this disease was 100% fatal and they did not fully know how it was transmitted. Today, COVID-19 if you are under 60 the crude mortality rate is less than .4% and if you are under 30 this rate is less that .2%. Yet even with known precautions, patients with severe NON-COVID disease are being put off, sent to the ER or ignored. It’s an embarrassment to the medical community. Most of the heroes of the HIV era are gone, replaced by physicians that would rather cower behind overblown fear than take care of their patients.

A part of the modern hippocratic oath as taken by physicians today says:

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.

John Smith, (not his real name) waited weeks for an appointment to meet with the orthopedic surgeon to remove infected bone from his hip. He had already been diagnosed with osteomyelitis (an infection in the bone) in his hip. After waiting two weeks as his infection raged in his hip he developed a fever but was finally able to come to Birmingham for his appointment and leg and life saving surgery. Upon arriving at his doctor’s office they took his temperature. Then sent him away.


It does not take much intelligence to figure out why he had a fever. Instead the doctor puts his patient at risk by refusing to see him. He will now have to go through an emergency room and will likely lose his leg or his life.

Another friend of mine, call her Jill, has been diagnosed with bronchial pneumonia. She has tested negative for COVID. The pneumonia is getting slowly worse. Her doctor refused to see her for two weeks. This too will most likely result in an ER visit at the point her life is in danger.

Where are the physicians, those heroes that took the Hippocratic Oath, the one’s who swore to do something to help the sick and injured, who swore not to do nothing. Yet, doctor after doctor is letting their patients get sicker and sicker, even die rather than take the chance a patient might be infected with COVID. Even when they know their patient does not have COVID from testing, they are turning them away, or delaying seeing them.

This used to mean something.

I have been unable to see my cardiologist for 3 months past when they told me I needed to be checked. If I had a problem, they would let me go to the ER or have a heart attack before I was treated. No heroes there, and I have tested COVID negative.

These few examples are being repeated millions of times across the country. Yet physicians have gone along with this approach to healthcare, intentionally putting their patients at risk rather than seeing any patient that might carry the disease. The patient and the doctor can wear masks and limit the time of exposure yet fear rules these former heroes.

Since when was being a physician supposed to be risk free? Each one signs on to treat sick people. Healthy people have no need for doctors. With the advent of COVID, they are violating, en mass their commitment to patients. Is this why they are so highly paid, so they can cower behind policies that keep patients away. It’s like a roofer that won’t go up high because he might fall. But the roofer is at much greater risk and has far more fortitude than those that are not caring for their patients.


No one is measuring the deaths that could have been prevented with normal care. So if a patient waiting to see his physician gets COVID he or she is more likely to die or to be sicker than if they had been treated properly.

We should call it the hypocritical oath instead. These former heroes took an oath they refuse to uphold. It is a shameful response to a virus that seldom kills anyone without underlying disease. If they had not taken such an oath I would not hold these physicians responsible, but they did take the oath. History is full of physicians that took much greater risks in order to treat infectious patients. Yet, even knowing a patient does not have COVID many of these doctors are still not seeing their patients or are delaying treatment.

No wonder our ERs are full, everyone with an issue, or fever, or cough is being sent to the ER, even if the cause is known. This exposes these patients to COVID when it is completely unnecessary. Even if they did not have COVID, by the time they leave the hospital or ER, they will have it. Where are the doctors that took the Hippocratic oath? Why don’t they speak up against this crime against their patients? This approach to personal safety is putting every patient at risk. It is killing many of them.

Censorship and Free Speech

Why would Twitter remove a video by physicians that suggested, based on science and facts that hydroxychloroquine was both a safe and effective treatment for those with COVID-19? That is it! Just prevent the truth and debate while Americans die. Such behavior causes death. Yes, Twitter you are helping to kill Americans that would not otherwise succumb to COVID-19? By not letting the public see the range of research and anecdotal evidence Twitter endangers the lives of those who get information from Twitter.

From 1984

Search engine results from Google have dropped conservative sites like Breitbart down to a point they hardly exist. Such tactics are designed to get Joe Biden elected. But more than that they are designed to herd Americans into following the whims of tech companies and what ever the mini oligarchs working for those companies want you to believe.

Uigurs in China’s Concentration Camps

Overwhelmingly liberal these tech company cultures are promoting socialist and marxist views. No matter the evidence that such views generate poverty, violence and death. Just look at the history. Russia, China, Venezuela, Laos, North Korea)

The woke movement and cancel culture is destroying those who may have said something that could be construed as racist, conservative, religious, sexist or just said something that supports views that they don’t like. Justice Kavanaugh was tormented by someone just claimed something happened when he was in high school. No evidence, no facts, just smear. The media did not research the claims, it looked for others who could make claims. Even less valid. He kept his job, 100s of others are losing their jobs based on something they might have said 10, 20 or more years ago. Eventually it could be you.

Twitter allows tweets calling for genocide by the Ayatollah Khomeini but censors tweets by doctors that might support Trump. Twitter further censors any tweet they feel might benefit Donald Trump. Does Twitter actually support the destruction of the Jews? Is Twitter anti-semetic? They support the Ayatollah’s rants, so that must be the conclusion.

The mainstream media filters out the violence and rioting destroying our cities because they think showing that will help Donald Trump. They don’t show the 1000+ cops injured by rocks and fireworks, or the 36 people killed in these ‘peaceful’ riots. They create the lies that they want the public to believe.

The threat to our freedoms from these big tech and media companies is existential. Growing up in a world that was anti-semetic I learned that even unpopular, despicable speech , whether neo-nazi or racist was to be tolerated because that protected counter arguments, that the free exchange of ideas was more important and created an environment where the best ideas could emerge. Censorship creates the world of China and 1,000,000 plus in concentration camps. Where is that outrage?

If you examine history, this is where we are headed. The world of prosperity will look like Minneapolis unless action is taken now. I would urge each and every one of those who feel they are being censored to speak up. Inundate these platforms with videos, and posts supporting their ideas. They should also vote where they can with their wallets. If you do not need google to reach your market, don’t pay Google. The same with the other platforms. The violence and lies are spreading faster than COVID-19. You are the cure, but not if it is too late.

How Trump Duped Russia, Turkey, Syria,Iran and the Press

The press has lambasted President Trump, calling him an idiot, an imbecile,  and worse.  The reaction of the press to his decision to pull American troops out of Syria brought further condemnation by the press, outrage even, with the Daily Beast painting the President as unpredictable.  In all the criticism, and reaction, the press, most of Congress, much of the President’s cabinet and the enemies of the US missed the truth.  Trump never planned to pull out of Syria.  Not for a long time in the future.

In one move President Trump revealed the ill intentions harbored by numerous enemies.  Turkey’s double dealing was revealed for all to see.  Their secret relationship with Iran was uncovered as were Russia’s intention to help carve up Syria.  He flushed out members of his cabinet that would not stand by his strategies.

As he had many times before, the reaction to his plans laid bare the true intentions of the enemy.  Russia wasted no time trying to arrange a meeting with Turkey and Iran.   Turkish backed Syrian troops started positioning themselves for an attack on Kurdish held Manbij.  Turkey’s desire to take the Kurdish areas was on the table for all to see.

The alignment of Turkey and Russia, with Turkey being a NATO state, demonstrates their unreliability as an ally.  Turkey’s willingness to sit down with Iran threatens everyone in the region.

John Bolton’s trip to Israel put conditions on the pullout which could keep troops in Syria for years. (New York Times)  By the time Israel was reassured all the players had already revealed their cards.  Turkey had been revealed as an deceitful partner, Russia clearly an opportunist with designs on the area,  and congressmen and cabinet members with an anti-Trump agenda were rooted out.

The classic redirection put each of these players and the press in a tizzy.  Nevertheless, in terms of geo-political power President Trump out them all.  Each revealed things about their plans and intentions that could be countered by just staying engaged.  Our press and our enemies took Trump at his word and failed to see the wider plan. Even as the plan becomes clear,  the media can’t grasp it.

As just a spectator I can only see the broader benefit of the ruse.  The facts made public.  Add the intelligence gathering and informational benefit and the reality is the Trump along with US interests gained mightily while each of the other players have lost major face.  Trump outsmarted them all.  The troops stay, and the conditions of their withdrawal have been set.  The bad faith plans of our enemies have been laid bare for the world to see.

One day the press might give the President credit for out thinking our enemies. I doubt that. They certainly will never give him credit for out thinking the media, which has once again show itself to be the true dupe.

Mass Shooting and Idiocracy

This past week has been punctuated with stories of the mass walkout of 10’s of thousands of students protesting the gun violence and the mass shootings that have plagued this country in the past few years.  Yet in all these protests, in all the news coverage, with all the fury at the NRA the real solution to the problem of mass shootings is never ever covered.  There is a simple fact that no one wants to either present or face up to.

Everyone of these mass killings has been perpetrated by someone who has lost his connection to humanity, whose heart no longer values their own life and values the life of others even less.   Whether Dillon Roof, Nikolas Cruz or Seung-Hui Cho, each of these mass murderers had become separated from a sense of belonging in society.  It is that separation and alienation that resulted ultimate rampage.  They are responsible for their actions but is all cases their willingness to commit slaughter could have been prevented.

In each case there was ample information to have intervened prior to the shooting.  The people that interacted with these individuals noticed their spiral into the dark, yet those individuals did little to reach out and befriend or support these soon to be killers.  The only way to stop this from happening in the future is to change the culture of non-involvement we have adopted.  If we as individuals are indifferent as our neighbors descend into anger, depression and hate then it is not surprising that mass killings result.

First and foremost we need to recognize that the people responsible for these rampages are the individuals that are wielding the gun.  Guns do not hop off the shelves and float over to the nearest college and kill a bunch of people on their own.  People kill people.  Troubled people kill more people.  No gun law or gun ban will stop determined killers from obtaining a weapon.  Chicago, Baltimore and France have proved gun laws only prevent honest people from getting guns.

The solution is so simple and so hard in a society that teaches indifference, non-involvement and victim hood.  When we see individuals who express alienation, hate, anger and depression we need to reach out to those people and befriend them if we can.  Even if we can’t befriend them we need to make others aware of their thought processes and seek to get them involved in life in a way the reduces their alienation.

At some point the police may help, or school resource officers, or even the FBI, but by the time they are getting tips, the situation has already escalated well beyond acceptable levels.  The Florida shooting made it clear that law enforcement as a last line of defense is a flawed approach at best.  Hardening the schools is also a last line of defense approach to this issue.  Even metal detectors, which announce the presence of a gun do nothing to stop the perpetrator from walking into the school, or coming in an unprotected window.

If a fraction of the energy these students spent on gun protests was spent getting to know the people they interacted with.  If teachers, parents, school resource officers and law enforcement took the time to interact and intervene identifying those that are alienated and reaching out to them, then this issue would all but disappear.    As our society has become more disjointed and impersonal with the rise of the internet and entertainment that focuses on solo activities more and more people become disconnected from their fellow man.  That alienation breeds attitudes and thought processes that make mass killing acceptable in those on the margin.

The problem is not guns, not the lack of hardening.  It’s the lack of involvement and compassion that keeps people from reaching out to those in society that have lost their way and their connection to the community.


How is it that our FBI, DOJ, and IRS have all been weaponized to go after political opponents. From normal people who have the FBI show up and accuse them of being at the capital on Jan 6th, when the FBI knows they were not there to others where the FBI has shown up without a warrent demanding firearms to which the FBI has no right.

Where are the defenders of the constitution? Where are all those FBI and DOJ officials that took an oath to defend the constitution? Where is the media who seem to relish creating story lines to villify half the country?

What is the end game if this unequal justice continues? In the end anyone who disagrees with the government in any way will be put to the flame. You only have to look to the capital trespassers who have been given years in jail for wandering onto the capital grounds. Who have been placed in solitary.

You only have to look at the DOJ going after lawyers communications with their clients, an protected part of speech since the founding of our country. Pretty soon, if unchecked, it won’t just be Trump supporters that are in the cross hairs, but anyone who complains about crime or inflation. It will be anyone that points out the obvious about the killing of our electric grid. Tyranny never stops, it just keeps finding more victims.

So, media is this what you want? Do you really think you are immune? FBI agents, where is your oath, apparently it means so little that even if you object you are unwilling to be heard. Why have not the true criminals from the past two years been proscecuted. The people that burned down cities, injured police, destroyed lives, and were never charged are still running free. The people that threaten the lives of Supreme Court justices are still running free. The looters, and criminals across this nation that are having a crime field day are still running free.

I used to have great respect for the media, the FBI and the DOJ. Now they are just tools of tyranny. It is sad that so few in their ranks are willing to uphold their oath.

Liberal Logic – High Gas Prices are Good

I can hear the conversation happening in the halls of congress among the liberal caucus explaining how if the price of gas was raised in the US, American would flock to purchase electric vehicles. Their liberal allies in the media nod their heads vigorously cheering on the save the planet mentality, thinking that those evil fossil fuels are going the way of the dodo. In the meantime the price of food has exploded with inflation, interest rates are starting to soar upwards and more people than in 50 years are living pay check to pay check.

Honda Electric Car

Who will buy these wonderful electric cars with a greater and greater number of Americans are battling poverty caused by the increase in gas prices? The cost of these cars, already significantly greater than the cost of an old fossil fuel standby will also increase. Then as credit gets tighter, as interest rates go up, no one will be able to finance these electric luxuries.

Inflation and gas prices will drive people to use available credit, then to default, forcing millions into bankruptcy. They won’t be buying electric cars or any car for years to come. The cars that remain on the road will get older and older and as those cars age they will spew out more and more carbon emissions. So much for saving the planet.

Oh, they say, “People will drive less.” The vast majority of driving is to and from work, over the road with trucking and delivery people. In order to work they will have to drive. Sure there will be fewer vacations, so that those working at resorts and inns and destinations will lose their jobs. Those people will drive less, lose their homes and suffer greatly.

But never fear, there will be charging stations everywhere. Already in California 25% of the charging stations are not functional. If you are driving any distance in South Alabama charging stations are pretty much non-existent. So the people telling you to buy electric, want you to over pay for a car you can’t afford, with money you can’t afford to spend, at rates that you can’t afford to pay, so you can not drive it in over one half of the country.

Someone tell me how this makes sense. A return to Trump’s energy policy where this country was energy independent would go a long way toward reducing inflation, creating high paying jobs, and keeping the middle and lower class from absolute economic destruction.