Educational Indoctrination and a Dead Raccoon

A few years ago on a cold winter’s night I left the house to drive to the gym.  In a hurry, I backed out of the driveway, hearing and feeling a thump wump twice.  Stopping I saw nothing in my headlights, so I now backed out more slowly.  The process revealed a severely injured raccoon laying on its side harshly illuminated by my headlights.  His last struggle for life was thankfully short but horrifying just the same.

Now, the dead raccoon was my problem.  His carcass was as large as that of a medium size dog.   I was not even sure how he fit in the front wheel well where he obviously camped out to be sheltered from the night time cold.   After a few calls to friends it was decided that Freddie, (We had to name him.)  would be double bagged in those 55 gallon double thick black trash bags and disposed of in the trash.

Clearly Freddie was uninformed as to the dangers of hanging out in vehicle wheel wells.  He had found a place where he was warm and sheltered from the elements.  All was right with his world until reality so rudely disturbed his resting place.  His lack of knowledge was not an issue until the very last moment.  At that point it was fatal.

Many of our schools now fail to teach capitalism and instead literally promote socialism as a fairer more enlightened approach to running an economy.   Like Freddie,  a core survival skill for being prosperous is not taught.  The utopian ideal, the warm and snug wheel well of Freddie’s dreams is presented and it is only after life and livelihood unravel that those taught this pipe dream realize it is not a safe spot.

How educator’s can ignore the complete weight of history and continue to promote a philosophy that endangers our prosperity, health and lives completely baffles me.  Thirty years ago I had teachers that promoted communism as a workable economic system even though the Soviet Union at the time existed with rampant corruption and poverty.  It’s complete collapse followed soon there after.    In today’s world that philosophy has produced Venezuela where the most recent price of a loaf of bread is $150.  Inflation is at 740%.  Cuba is yet another example where the most fortunate have 30 year old cars that still run.

Freddie did not have PHD raccoons telling him where the best place for him to live would be.  He did not have the brightest minds in the raccoon world telling him how best to keep warm and safe.  Today’s students have the PHDs teaching them.  They have the brightest minds in the world telling them how the world works and even so those same brilliant minds are teaching economic fantasy.  That is why we are printing money (like Germany in the 1930s and Venezuela),  racking up unbelievable debt, and funding a non working class (Like the old Soviet Union) and yet our wise raccoon instructors are still telling generation after generation that the results will be different.

The history of the United States and of Western Europe (until recently as they have swung more toward big government) has proven that socialism and communism produce an overall standard of living far less attractive for the masses than does capitalism.  Yet our educational system reviles capitalism even though more prosper under capitalism than under any other economic system.  Instead our educational system is teaching and promoting ideas where our populace winds up living in the wheel well, just one backward step from destruction.  Cushy ideas are taught instead of facts and history.

It is an approach that leaves our students, and workforce woefully unprepared to compete in the global market.  That same approach causes businesses to look out side this country for a motivated workforce.  It amazes me that the most brilliant minds in education consistently teach the appeal of a utopia that fails instead of choosing a pragmatic prosperous future with a system that works.    PhDs that fail to understand history or incorporate facts and woefully ill qualified.  It is those same ones that are failing us generation after generation.

Freddie lacked the knowledge to prevent his doom.  There is no excuse for those who have the knowledge on how to prevent that doom to willfully continue to promote ignorance.  It is an ignorance that will give us the same results as Freddie had.






Scared For This Country

Democracy only works if the majority of the populace knows the truth.    Yet, more and more we hear of stories where the media is refusing to communicate that truth.  When Reuters, CBS, NBC, NPR and ABC are all in collusion reporting  not only the same story but using the exact same words over and over again it is not hard to taste the rancid decay of democracy.

The pattern has become shamefully obvious.  The White House will release a statement using key words such as “Alt Right” and suddenly it is all over the major networks as they fall in with no research or intent to tell the truth.  They parrot the White House narrative each day.  If anything does not fit that narrative they actively work to shut it down.

Below are examples of stories that have been buried by ABC, CBS, NPR  and NBC in their effort to destroy this country.**

1.) The extent of Hillary’s pay for play giving the Russian’s major control over our uranium mining capability and seriously weakening our national security.

2.) The lack of global warming for the last 18 years and the actual sea level and ice trends around the world.

3.) The support Hillary has given to Sharia loving countries that prevent women from voting or driving, and where women are essentially the property of men.  Many of these same countries execute gays for being gay.

4.) The absolute terror causes by her open borders positions and failure to deport illegal aliens.

5.) The impact Obama’s and Hillary’s policies have had on the black community with unprecedented levels of poverty and violence.

6.) The impact Obamacare has had on health care in the US, not only the massive increase in cost but the number of physicians leaving practice has skyrocketed and the number of insurers leaving the market is leaving many more uncovered than ever before.

7.) The fact that the labor participation rate has dropped to a point lower that at anytime in the last 50 years is not reported, nor is the fact that most of the jobs created are part time and pay less causing median incomes to fall.

The failure of the media to report the truth skews the election results in favor of policies that are clearly destroying our economy, hurting the African America community more that any other and undermining this country’s ability to defend against terrorism.

The law ought to state that purposeful suppression of the truth or misrepresentation tied to ideology by media outlets results in their immediate loss of public license.  Whether they are controlled by government or motivated by some sort of ideology does not matter, their public existence is predicated on their responsibility to report the facts without purposeful bias.  Reuters,  ABC, NBC, NPR and CBS have all demonstrated the inability to report honestly and fairly.  They should all lose their license to broadcast  with it only returned once their senior management has been replaced.

** (Yes,  I believe they want to take away the US constitution and will do anything to accomplish that.)  It is only because of the US constitution they can exist but they are so ungrateful to the country that allows for their existence that they are willing to lie and undermine the very thing that provides them the freedom to exists.