Censorship and Free Speech

Why would Twitter remove a video by physicians that suggested, based on science and facts that hydroxychloroquine was both a safe and effective treatment for those with COVID-19? That is it! Just prevent the truth and debate while Americans die. Such behavior causes death. Yes, Twitter you are helping to kill Americans that would not otherwise succumb to COVID-19? By not letting the public see the range of research and anecdotal evidence Twitter endangers the lives of those who get information from Twitter.

From 1984

Search engine results from Google have dropped conservative sites like Breitbart down to a point they hardly exist. Such tactics are designed to get Joe Biden elected. But more than that they are designed to herd Americans into following the whims of tech companies and what ever the mini oligarchs working for those companies want you to believe.

Uigurs in China’s Concentration Camps

Overwhelmingly liberal these tech company cultures are promoting socialist and marxist views. No matter the evidence that such views generate poverty, violence and death. Just look at the history. Russia, China, Venezuela, Laos, North Korea)

The woke movement and cancel culture is destroying those who may have said something that could be construed as racist, conservative, religious, sexist or just said something that supports views that they don’t like. Justice Kavanaugh was tormented by someone just claimed something happened when he was in high school. No evidence, no facts, just smear. The media did not research the claims, it looked for others who could make claims. Even less valid. He kept his job, 100s of others are losing their jobs based on something they might have said 10, 20 or more years ago. Eventually it could be you.

Twitter allows tweets calling for genocide by the Ayatollah Khomeini but censors tweets by doctors that might support Trump. Twitter further censors any tweet they feel might benefit Donald Trump. Does Twitter actually support the destruction of the Jews? Is Twitter anti-semetic? They support the Ayatollah’s rants, so that must be the conclusion.

The mainstream media filters out the violence and rioting destroying our cities because they think showing that will help Donald Trump. They don’t show the 1000+ cops injured by rocks and fireworks, or the 36 people killed in these ‘peaceful’ riots. They create the lies that they want the public to believe.

The threat to our freedoms from these big tech and media companies is existential. Growing up in a world that was anti-semetic I learned that even unpopular, despicable speech , whether neo-nazi or racist was to be tolerated because that protected counter arguments, that the free exchange of ideas was more important and created an environment where the best ideas could emerge. Censorship creates the world of China and 1,000,000 plus in concentration camps. Where is that outrage?

If you examine history, this is where we are headed. The world of prosperity will look like Minneapolis unless action is taken now. I would urge each and every one of those who feel they are being censored to speak up. Inundate these platforms with videos, and posts supporting their ideas. They should also vote where they can with their wallets. If you do not need google to reach your market, don’t pay Google. The same with the other platforms. The violence and lies are spreading faster than COVID-19. You are the cure, but not if it is too late.

Peaceful Protests?

Portland Peaceful Protest?

American cities are burning while the media describes pictures similar to the one above as peaceful protests. Statues are torn down, confederate statues, Christopher Columbus, Ulysses Grant, and even Abe Lincoln has been defaced. Yet, the media, does not speak against this. Ulysses Grant, and Abe Lincoln both fought to give African Americans the freedom promised by the constitution. They fought to bring about the promise of freedom in the United States. Yet these rioters only see hate and would tear down a system that is the best the world has known.

China has forced labor and re-education camps. In Saudi Arabia women are still mostly property. In the Philippines resistance is met with death. Yet, they deride this country and its freedom.

Some networks even described protests as peaceful while fires were started live on camera. Over a 1000 police officers have been injured and several killed by these peaceful protesters.

While mayors in these cities, (Atlanta, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York) force their police forces to stand down or back off. Crime in these cities is exploding with murders leading all prior measures. Yet the media does not report that this increase competes with COVID as a cause of death.

David Dorn and his murderer. Retired policeman killed in peaceful protest. Fox New.

Murders in New York City are up by 21% this year and murders in Chicago are up 78%. Kids are killed almost every weekend. Yet, nothing is done to prevent this. The media focuses on the 10 unarmed African American killed by cops, when there were 19 unarmed whites killed last year by cops. Clearly not a racist trend. All the deaths were tragic. Some of the cops were prosecuted others used force appropriately. Yet, none of the white deaths were reported nor was the tremendous reduction in unarmed African American deaths that has occurred over the last few years.

Yet the 1000’s killed by criminals receive no justice. Instead the cops are hampered, demonized, and threatened if they do what they are sworn to do. Protect and Serve. The men and women in blue are our protection from mayhem and murder, yet there are calls to defund the police.

I strongly urge people to find the truth. The media, and big tech companies are trying to hide this truth. It takes work and thought to find the information. It is not so hard to understand that these calls to defund and mayor’s forcing their police forces to back off has resulted in the increase in crime and murder. Yet, there is more happening here.

If you look at the history of Nazi Germany, the Nazis originally said they were going to help solve the crime issues the police were having. So Nazis became members of the police. Crime went down. Then those same Nazis became a tool for oppression of those who did not support the party.

So is this what is happening?

  • 1. Let crime get out of control.
  • 2. Defund the police.
  • 3. Replace with your own (social workers)
  • 4. Arm the social workers since they are in danger.
  • 5. Social workers become the revolutionary arm to root out dissidents.
  • Revolution succeeds.

It happened much this way in Yugoslavia. It is starting here. It is time for those who can to support our police and our constitution. Failure to do so may mean the complete loss of the freedoms we hold dear.

If you support the police and this country’s promise of freedom, now is the time to pass this on and stand up.