Democratic Coup Attempt


While anti-Trump protesters, some violent,  fill the streets in primarily democratically voting cities and Trump supporters complain that these protesters are just whiners and bad losers, there is something far more insidious going on.   Behind the protests, the violence, and the chaos is a conspiracy, an brazen attempt to overthrow the election results and retake the government from the Republican elect.  Is this even possible?

Beyond, the protests there are written petitions aimed as getting electors to change their vote.  The protests and petitions are the visible signs of  a plan. The death threats are the hidden and most dangerous part of this.

Simply put, it is an effort to intimidate the state electors into switching their votes. Although technically pledged to Donald Trump these electors could switch their votes. This would be a violation of their pledge and in many cases state law, but it is possible.

Wikipedia calls them “Faithless” electors.  Historically this has not been tried en mass before, although one elector abstained in favor or Gore in 2000.  Given the history of the Clinton machine whose manipulations have amazingly deflected criminal after criminal investigation, an attempt at a coup is not far-fetched. There were numerous theories surrounding the deaths that occurred in the White Water investigation 20 years ago.  That is old history, but much more recently as information about the DNC hack became public several more mysterious deaths occurred.  This is to point out that there may be no limits on what they are willing to do.

From the outside these protesters just look like a bunch of malcontents.  Given time, just like with Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street,  it will be proven that they are not just random unhappy voters, but paid demonstrators, with a purpose.    They are part of a well formulated plan to intimidate state electors.  They want the electors to feel threatened and their families to feel threatened.  There is no boundary the Clintons won’t cross in order to attain power.

Think about the individuals who voted for Trump now seen, on camera, being beaten up How can a state elector see that and not feel like it was directed at himself or herself. Behind the scenes I would not doubt that these same electors pledged to Mr. Trump are receiving calls mixed with offers of cash and promises of retribution.   Not only do the democrats not want to lose power, but many fear that a new, principled attorney general would pursue them mercilessly.  These people are cornered beasts.

Obama had nice press conference with Donald Trump, discussing the transition.  That was all window dressing,  a smoke screen to hide what is really occurring behind the scenes. The stakes in this game are high, the survival of our American republic.  While Obama gives the appearance of helping with the process, the Anti-Trump forces lead by George Soros and the Clinton machine are trying to bring down the election.  It is a globalist play for power to enable the Democrats to stay in power and to continue to destroy America.

I hope the Trump people recognize what is happening and are reminding the electors in no uncertain terms of their pledge and legal obligation.  I hope the electors have such integrity that reminding is unnecessary.  It would be awesome to say this is over,  but given what is occurring, this won’t be over until Dec. 19th when the electoral college casts their formal vote for Donald Trump.  Until then there is opportunity for the democrats to manipulate the system.  There is a real chance that this is occurring.

Advice For President Trump

The United States of America first.  That is the attitude President Trump needs to have and the one that he ran on.  Special interests that don’t benefit the majority of Americans should be ignored.  Congressmen and Senators beholden to those interests should be vilified and purposely targeted for defeat.  If you are not on board with us as the priority, you should leave.  You should not be in government.

I am being so bold as to write a piece advising the President on what he should do as President.   On one hand, he will never read this so it has the impact of a Mt. Everest pebble being relocated from one cliff to another.  Unless a climber slips and falls on that pebble, no one will ever know.   So much for the disclaimer!!!

First and foremost President Trump promised to drain the swamp.  Given that the federal government has been out of control for the last 8 years this is a huge task.  He needs to start with a new attorney general and FBI director.  They need to be committed to prosecuting the crimes of the last 8 years starting with Lois Lerner and continuing up the tree until Hillary,  her foundation, her husband and all those in the machine that broke election laws are in jail.  That sends a strong message for anyone considering the destruction or sale of our democracy.

He then needs to address the jobs and prosperity elements of his platform  Getting rid of Obamacare and the last 8 years of regulations will go a long way toward jump starting the economy.   He has to go further by wiping out all entitlements for those who are able bodied and can work.  It’s amazing that when people have to find jobs, they almost always do.  That will boost our GDP in a huge way.  Cutting taxes to attract manufacturing and reinvestment in this country will also generate opportunity.  Although I am for free trade, if a company here want to move its labor force to another country but sell their goods back here, the worlds biggest market, then they should pay a huge tariff.  That is not protectionism,  they are American companies that have chosen not to benefit Americans.  It should be expensive for them as it was expensive for US employees when they were terminated.

As part of getting us back on track economically, the size of government needs to shrink dramatically. Cutting the national debt is also necessary if we are to prosper.  There is also something to be said for the government to stop injecting money (printing) into the system to prop up the system artificially.  That is a time bomb that has to be addressed.  It is also such a complex mess to unravel that I hope he as really smart capable people that can manage it.

On immigration the solution is as simple as he made it.  Build a wall. Give the border control back its authority to deport.   Then, make it impossible for non documented workers to get jobs here.  Cut off their benefits.  They will flood back to Mexico.  Once that is done, if a business wants to hire foreign workers here because there truly are not enough Americans to do the work, then that is open for discussion. First, we need to have some huge portion of the 94 Million not in the workforce back on the job.  Taking away the cheap, illegal competition will make that far easier.   AMERICANS FIRST!!!!

That is the philosophy the President needs to have,  American’s first in all things.  In trade deals we benefit as much or more than the partner country.  Iran is not a deal. That should be nullified.  Iran is 150 billion dollars richer as they work for a nuke thanks to Obama. Foreign aid needs to benefit us.  If we give the Palestinians 10 million and they blow up an American tourist or don’t stop teaching hate in their schools, they should get zero dollars ever again.

Yes, Americans and American prosperity first.  That is the job of the President.  Obama was more worried about everyone else, how they thought about us.  Were were nice or did we contribute to their prosperity.  So much so that Americans suffered.  President Trump has a huge job.  It starts by setting the tone, getting the right people in place, getting rid of the Obama cadre now infecting every department of the government and focusing on prosperity here and leadership around the world.  I pray that as an outsider, not beholden to any one interest, he can be the President we expected when we voted for him.

The job is huge,  as he would say ..HUGE!.  I hope he is up for it.

He, will be happy to know that I am not charging him for this advice.  For the good of the country. 🙂