Journalist Defend Their Own Bias

The Washington Post just had an article explaining how their coverage of Donald Trump was appropriate.  HOGWASH!!!    The real story, and the one that none of the media will pursue is the deliberate effort by Democrats and Anti-Trumper’s to first thwart the President’s agenda and then if possible to bring his Presidency to an end.  They have failed both in pursuing the truth and in stopping the President.   Now they are left with anger at their own impotence and a loss of credibility from which they will never recover.

Just so you know here are the facts behind the real story.

During the campaign the Obama administration authorized spying and illegal unmasking of the conversations held by Trump’s staff and associates.  This was subsequently used to target Jeff Sessions, General Flynn and Jared Kushner. Yet, no evidence of wrong doing as pertains to Russia was discovered.

The Russians have been trying to hack us for years so what was different this time other than it was someone’s idea to tie the President to the hacks.   Whose idea was it?  Why is that not investigated?

There is no evidence presented in the last 9 months as to collusion or Trump’s people being involved in any attempt to manipulate the election,  yet Jim Comey would not publicly say Trump was not under investigation.

Jim Comey let Loretta Lynch tell him what to call the investigation into Hillary’s emails, (A matter, not an investigation)  Trump’s hoping the investigation into Flynn would stop, not an order or even a strong suggestion, results in an obstruction of justice possibility.  He admits being compromised with Loretta Lynch.  In fact, by relabeling what he called that investigation he did obstruct justice.  He laid the groundwork for her exoneration.

Hundreds of stories have run based on leaks and anonymous sources making a range of accusations.  None proven, most with zero evidence.  Few with substantiation of any kind.  Yet these are reported as fact.

Look who calls for investigations.  Look who in both the media and the government continually keep this story alive and there is a pattern.  The media gains in ratings and in promoting an agenda. The politicians are protecting their monied base.   The pattern is obvious.

Trump is a threat to the status quo.  The regulations that protect big money are being torn down.  The lobbyist are in a panic.  Why is this not reported on?

The Obama administration used the IRS to target enemies, Hillary clearly violated the secrecy act,  the Democratic National Committee clearly sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ campaign,  illegal spying on American citizens was carried out and then used to create a Russian story that would cripple Donald Trump.  The corruption has infested every level of government and the media is a willing participant in its maintenance.

A majority of the American people see this.  The backlash was in the 2016 election, but it will be even more pronounced against the media itself as long as they no longer report in the public interest.  Their advertisers will drop away as more an more people blame the media for promoting the destruction of the President.   Ultimately the advertisers will be blamed for supporting that corruption.

The real story is the attempt to bring down the President with hype, hate, innuendo, and stories that lack any basis in fact.    Everyone can be accused of something and made to look bad.  Unfortunately, the media has made baseless accusation appear to be news.  IT IS NOT!!!