Our Veterans Deserve Better — Here is the Fix

There are lists of over 1000 veterans waiting for their first appointment at bunches of VA hospitals.  How that happens baffles me.  The fix is simple, Hire 10 doctors seeing 3 patients an hour for 8 hours a day.  (Any doctor in private practice will tell you that they often see 8 to 10 patients an hour, so 3 is peanuts.)  Each doctor would see 24 patients a day so that is 240 patients per day for the 10 doctors.  In a week they have seen 1200 patients and in two weeks the backlog is gone.  Keep the 10 doctors and support staff to take care of the follow up and in two months you have either treated and released, admitted, tested, or set up ongoing therapy for 2400 patients all who were initially seen and evaluated within two weeks.

In order to enroll, document and plan for the influx you will no doubt need to hire 5 nurses, and 5 front desk folks, schedule labs, hospital admissions, equipment purchases,  plan for in-house lab tests and outsourced lab tests, plan for reviews of those tests and arrange for treatment protocols with follow up.  Any competent medical office manager could do this blindfolded while having a stroke.

The fact that this was not done in all these facilities is a total mystery.  It’s simple resource allocation.  Competent people do it in every business and healthcare organization in the country every day.  



How can you tell if our President is lying. “His Lips Are Moving”

Did your mother teach you not to lie.   I know that every time I was caught re-framing the truth the pillars of excoriation would descend. The next time I was tempted to lie I would remember the previous consequence and think better of that approach.  In society today that is no longer the case.  Politicians make up the truth as they go along and if they get caught in a lie, they just continue on without consequence.  If this happened every now and then it would not be so bad.  Now, our leader, the exemplar and chief, Barack Obama lies about jobs, healthcare, the IRS, Benghazi, our security and our economy.  He pays no penalty for the lies.  There is no consequence.  

Actually, those that call out the truth are shouted down.  Professor Bengysson is harassed because he dares to question climate change, Ben Carson is called names for pointing out the the new health care system is an abject failure,  Condoleezza Rice is prevented from speaking just because her views might differ from those that would listen.  Susan Rice is told to lie and is promoted for this. 

What do we learn from this?  Americans learn that it pays to be dishonest.  If you lie for the correct cause you will be rewarded. It is ok to be outside the law because no one will hold you accountable.  Once those in the highest office in the land are allowed to lie without consequence why can’t everyone do so?  Thank you Mister President for being such a wonderful role model.  I wonder if you really quit smoking.  I guess lying is an addiction.  You just can’t help yourself.  We can get you help. It’s called impeachment.

I am reminded of the old joke.  How can you tell if our President is lying.  “His Lips Are Moving”


Future Totalitarian States of America. –The Failure of Liberal Arts and Common Core

Harvard’s Extension School is hosting a Black Mass including a speech by an Harvard Professor.  This exercise passes as an educational experience for Harvard students.  This is an example of the elite thinking and activities expected of our future leaders. Just as the Southern Poverty Law Center is branding those that oppose Common Core as extremists, and names Tea Partiers and conservatives as troglodytes, known however for their traditional religious beliefs.  The Black Mass and Common Core are both symptoms of the assault by those that want big government control over every aspect of American Life. 

I am particularly appalled by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s attitude as so much of Common Core is a full on invasion of each kid’s personal information.  It is a step toward complete totalitarianism where the government controls what people are suited for and what jobs they are prepared for.  The new name for it “College and Career Ready” says it all.  That is the direction.  Further, the implementation by the Federal Government of Common Core has been accomplished by bribing States, educators, and Governor’s with funds to entice them to adopt common core even without the full details being available.  The one state, Indiana that has pulled out has already been threatened that it will lose other funding.  That is coercion.   Watching the implementation of Common Core in Alabama, many of the implementations are leaving a wake of confused and less accomplished students than what existed before this was adopted.   

So from the stance of the Southern Poverty Law Center I can conclude that they support government coercion and the data collection on all American children.  Essentially they support totalitarianism.  Harvard is moving to strip traditional religious views from education and to replace them with views that diminish or even discredit those views.  Our laws are based on those traditional views and much of our Constitution depends on those views remaining a part of our society. These two activities have one thing in common creating a base for future government control of people.  The only valid moral view becomes that of the father state and the only valid job is the one the government tell you fits your personality based on the data it collected.

Wake up.  This has been tried in China, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union.  It failed. All three have moved back toward capitalism but remained totalitarian as well.  It is a shame former stalwarts of freedom, such as Harvard and the Southern Poverty Law Center have now become extensions of the Future Totalitarian States of America.

An Islamist, a Liberal, An Atheist and a Terrorist were all in a Bar

Sounds like a joke, but its deadly serious. What do these groups have in common?  They are all intolerant of any view other than the one that they believe is correct.  In the last year we have seen each of these groups engage in violence to get their way.  Recently Saudi Arabia gave someone who questioned Islam 1000 lashes and jailed that person’s attorney for being an atheist.  Liberals in the past year in the United States have exhibited a whole host of violent behavior from shouting down those they don’t like to tearing up signs and pushing and shoving.  

Instead of recognizing the true nature of Islam and these regimes that consider women to be property, our leaders are trying to reign in the Christians, who at least in recent memory have not been flogging people that have different opinions.  The Islamists want to wipe out the Jews, but our government in order to seem friendlier to Islam acts as if it is OK for Iran to get the bomb.  

I believe in free speech.  People have the right to say vile things without getting jailed or shouted down. The Bill of Rights was created to protect differences of opinion.  It is not OK to tell lies.  It is not OK to brand the Tea Party as Terrorist or Evangelical Christians as Terrorists.  The believers in Christ are not out there killing people.  The Muslims are killing people every day in the name of Allah. They are the vast majority of terrorists. They have avowed to kill all the Jews.  Nevertheless our government supports the the Islamic states over the safety Israel.  

It is about time for our government to recognize who its true friends are.  People interested in tearing down prosperity, and punishing Christians are not the true friends of the United States, either internally or externally.  Helping people that want to kill you is stupid. Persecuting your true friends is stupid.  A time is coming where these policies will destroy Israel and the future of this country. Hopefully is is not already too late.  


Teachers Supporting Government Oppression — Who Would Have Thunk It.

The Federal Government is getting ready to put its fiscal boot on Indiana and to make an example of the State because it has opted out of Common Core.  In a letter, a clear threat to the State,if the Federal Government deems the State’s new standards as less stringent than Common Core the State will lose its No Child Left Behind exemption and millions in education funding.  The fact is, whether the State’s standards are stricter than those of Common Core or not, the Feds will say they are not up to snuff.  The Feds are planning to make an example of Indiana in order to make sure other States stay in line and don’t opt out.  Common Core opens the door for this oppressive Federal Education grab.  

Hidden in Common Core is revisionist history, dumbed down math, and a data collection protocol designed to let the Federal Government  “guide” your children into the the career that the Feds think is best for them.  The Soviet Union before it failed did just this by identifying talents and putting kids where they though those kids should go.  Of course, if the need is for factory workers, suddenly the kids are suited for the factory.  If the kid is a great athlete and a great artist he will be forced to be one or the other because the government has a hole he fits in.  Common Core is totalitarianism at its worst.  

There are teacher’s ads running nationwide supporting Common Core and telling everyone how wonderful this ultimate power grab of your children’s future is.  The concept of being College and Career ready is nothing more than being able to say to a child; “based on your prior achievement you are going to have to be a plumber.”  Einstein would have been a janitor based on his early schooling. These teachers that support Common Core are traitors to freedom and traitors to the very principles that teachers should follow. 

Common Core is about dumbing everyone down to the lowest common denominator not bringing everyone up to their greatest potential.  It used to be that teachers cared about every students maximum achievement, not their minimum test passing ability. Teachers unions protect the weakest teachers while not rewarding the ones that really care about their kids’ future. This leads to less and less true education. Common Core solves this by dictating not the education but the tests the kids pass.  Education as such is destroyed.  The ability for kids to think and be their best is destroyed. The bleak future of government assigned jobs and dictated work roles is well on its way to being created.  

Wake UP —————-  This Failed in Every Country that Tried It. (Chine, USSR, Eastern Europe before  the wall came down.)

Common Core is the single largest step toward a state run economy.  If you think the failure of the economy in the last five years is something, Common Core will make today look like the good old days spreading misery and poverty beyond reason.  If you are a teacher, learn your history, learn the facts, not what the government is telling you.  Oppose Common Core.

Thought Control In Full Swing — 1984 — 2014

Do you watch TV, see movies, look at news on any of the major stations other than Fox (though they are not fully free of this) then you are being influenced by those that want to control you.  They want to control your buying patterns through advertising, and they want to control your political views by presenting stories that move you in the direction they support.  At least with advertising its a one to one relationship, ads tell you what they want you to believe.  Even the Coke bottle in the middle of the sitcom is not all that subtle.

The political manipulation is far more insidious.

It tries to get you to believe that we are over populated, that we are in danger from every angle and need government to protect us, that we are about the burn up in a global warming hell.  Facts and science do not matter. There has been no evidence of global warming for the last 17 years, yet this week there has been a big Obama push to tell us how horrible and dire this problem is.  The government counts on the media to just repeat the stories they produce without investigation.  On almost every channel, every day the same stories with the same wording are repeated endlessly.  The stories about the true strength of our economy or about the poor handling of our foreign policy are routinely not covered.  

This is not an accident.  Government with the support of the media is presenting information to us to control our attitudes and opinions. Those that do not fall in to the lies are called names and vilified. Just look at the Tea Party.  That is why the carnage at many of the nation’s abortion clinics is not reported.  Yes, they are killing babies, but some of those are being born alive before they are killed.  Many of the women are harmed physically through substandard care.  Like the Gosnell clinic, the full breath of the truth is hidden.  The persecution of Christians in the military is not reported.  Movies like Noah promote an overpopulation message although the US population growth figures are next to nil and have been for years.  

Yes, we are being manipulated.  Facts do not matter just what controls the populace.  The media should be ashamed as repeating spoon fed stories is nothing but criminal.  It is rumor and baseless, but it pushes the governments agenda.  Why have a news media if they abdicate their responsibilities. 

Don’t watch those channels.  Perhaps at some point their advertisers will get the message.  1984 is here.  If we don’t toss the soma soon all those that do not drink the cool-ade will all be herded into pens.




Big Stuff — Little Stuff — Ask One

There is a lot of big stuff going on in the world, Obamacare, Benghazi, a sour economy, Ukraine, Crimea, terrorists, the UN, Healthcare, politics. Lots of little stuff too, laundry, dishes, the lawns,(ugh), shoes, tv, video, and Miley Cyrus.  So with all that going on, have you touched base with the people you know?  Have you called your family members recently?  I will confess I am not as good at that as I ought to be.  Our time here is limited we should make the most of the relationships that we have. In the long run, that and eternity are all that matter.  

Its a challenge in a busy world to nurse and grow the things that matter.  I suppose, if it were easy we would not have anyone we would call anti-social. So, ask at least one person how they are doing today.  Really care and listen to the answer.  It will enrich your life. 

Amnesty — Let’s Put Americans at the Back of the Bus

Tech companies are lobbying Congress to approve an amnesty bill particularly one which permits more H1Bs to come to the United States and work.  This fills their needs to have experience and cheaper tech labor to fill in positions.  Americans with tech skills get overlooked. Newly trained college graduates get overlooked.  Just like with agriculture getting immigrants to do the labor is good for business at the expense of American citizens.

The media has been all for opening the borders and flooding the country with illegal immigrants.  I would ask the following questions.

Why, when it is clear that an immigration bill will prevent Americans from getting jobs do you support this bill?

Are business interest powering your decision to support this bill?

When we have not sealed out borders and terrorists are still able to waltz into the United States why would you support an immigration bill?

Do you want Americans to be hungry?

The US Labor Participation Rate is the worst now since 1978 why would you support a bill that makes jobs for Americans harder to get?

Do you want Americans to be killed by terrorists?

How much have business interests paid you to support an immigration bill?

How much have politicians paid you to support and immigration bill?

Is the concept of open borders just so new age you can’t resist?

American jobs and freedoms created the ability for the media to have such influence.  If the media continues to support the erosion of American sovereignty it won’t be long before their influence will diminish into nothing.