Life is Cheap

With an average of 1.2 million abortions a year in the United States, is it any surprise that the value of life in America has plummeted.   In Europe they are holding up as examples elderly people that want to kill themselves   They call that euthanasia.  It’s a nice big 21st century word for self murder or suicide.    Young women in the inner city learn that killing babies is OK.  Teenage boys learn that babies have no value.  In the same process they learn that life has no value.   So, with life cheapened, whole elements of our population don’t care about themselves or others.

This same attitude opens up young men to the radical Islamic preaching where they become killers.  If they never learn to value life they are open to the idea that only their own lives and the lives of other radicals have value.  They then get their sense of worth from a narcissistic, sadistic belief in their own religious fervor.  Their god is a god of death and vengeance.  They are devoid of the caring and empathy.  This radical that cut of the head of the woman in Oklahoma today could not have valued life, otherwise he never would have committed that horrible crime.

We need to return to a world where life is valued.  Those that threaten others need to be locked away or dead.  Ending the wanton killing of babies would be a start.  Bringing the idea of fatherhood to the inner city in order to raise children born out of wedlock would go a long way toward civilizing those that currently care little for their own lives.    Changing the culture of death to one of a culture of life would go a long way to making our society better.